SOFT STARTERS S811+/S801+ soft starters S811+/S801+ soft starters Advanced intelligence. Compact footprint. The S811+/S801+ line of intelligent technologies soft starters is designed to be the...
Automation and Control
Indratel Australia supplies automation and control devices ranging from soft and combination starters, variable speed drives, to power supplies to suit your needs. Can’t see what you’re looking for? Get in touch.
Power Supplies
Power Supplies PSC compact power supplies PSC compact power supplies The PSC compact series power supply operates with universal AC...
Variable Speed Drives
Variable Speed Drives ACE DG1 explosionproof variable frequency drives ACE DG1 explosionproof variable frequency drives The only explosionproof VFD solution...
Controllers Easy programmable relays Easy programmable relays Think differently about programmable relays Three families make up the easy relay product line:...
Smartwire DT
Smartwire DT SmartWire-DT intelligent wiring system SmartWire-DT intelligent wiring system Intelligence made easy Eaton’s SmartWire-DT is an intelligent machine wiring solution that reduces...
Combination Motor Starters
Combination Motor Starters XT IEC combination motor starters XT IEC combination motor starters Small size. Big impact. The fuseless motor...