DataTaker DT85 is a high end loggers which supports analog inputs, digital I/O, counters, SDI12 and smart sensor, featuring a staggering maximum number of 960 common referenced analog sensors (when using 16x CEM20). This logger is suitable to be used in multiple applications or massive array of sensors.
DT85 offers a comparable choice when the application needs to read more than 15 analog sensors with the same support on high capacity memory and various communication options.
- Dual Channel Isolation Technology
- 2 Serial ‘Smart Sensor’ ports
- FTP for automatic data transfer
- Up to 48 Analog (± 30V) sensor inputs
- Expandable to 960 analog inputs
- 8 Flexible Digital channels
- Modbus for SCADA connection
- SDI-12 (multiple networks)
- USB memory for easy data and program transfer
- Internal modem (option)
- Internal WiFi (option)
- Meteorological station network
- Air pollution
- River floods
- Water flow
- Forest fire detection
- Water pollution
- Plantation monitoring
- Wind and solar power monitoring
- Green houses
- Power usage or smart grid