ELPRO Technologies is the leader in Wireless I/O Technology. With over 35 years of proven experience in solving challenging applications with our range of Wireless I/O Devices and Gateways.
The ELPRO 415U-1 is our latest flagship Wireless I/O device with smart technology providing ultra low battery consumption with Integrated Communications, I/O, Battery, Solar Regulator and Charging capability in an Industrial IP66 Rated enclosure.
Part of the Condor Series Product Range, the 415U-1 easily integrates into existing 415U-2 and 415U-E Condor Series Systems feeding into IIoT networks or into Greenfield applications where critical monitoring of I/O Data is required which has not been possible before due to no power being available or too costly to integrate solar solutions.
ELPRO Technologies have been designing and manufacturing Secure, Reliable and Flexible I/O Solutions for over 35 years. With a proven track record of Ultra Low Current Consumption devices for both Industrial and Flood Warning networks globally, ELPRO can provide you with a cost effective solution that will easily integrate into your network with minimal of disruption to your operations.